first book of 2014.

Every time a semester ends, I have to pick up a book that is going to be light, funny, and can actually be put down for a day without me forgetting half the plot. This time around, I chose Rob Delaney's Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage. Yes, the name was 90% of the reason why I chose this one, the other 10% being that I read a million reviews of it on Amazon as I contemplated buying it for my dad for Christmas. Long story short, the bookstore didn't have it, I was too lazy to order it online, but did I buy and download the ebook for myself? Yes, yes, I did. Because selfishness is what Christmas is all about.

I was expecting the stories to be nothing but short, hilarious pieces that would resemble something like Chelsea Handler would write, except Rob's a dude and has gone through a lot of trials in his life, involving rehab, Hepatitis A, and a stint involving both a wheelchair AND jail. This meant some dark, more serious stories with funny undertones (or vice versa). This made me like it more and also made it harder to put it down.
If you don't know if Rob Delaney is your cup of tea, I recommend following him on Twitter to find out. Plus, just read this. How can you not rush to read this book?


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