happiness is no longer an option.

After watching Ginger and Rosa, I felt a lot of things. Any film that can make me sob yet wish desperately for the movie to be the backdrop of my life means that I'll be watching it again and again. Mostly though, it made me want to die my hair red. Between the locks on Elle Fanning and my current obsession with SeaofShoes.com, I have nearly made the decision. (Un)fortunately, I am a wimp when it comes to hair dye and refuse to sit in a salon chair for more than fifteen minutes once a year, so it won't be happening.
It also made me want to wear turtlenecks. I notoriously hate any neck that feels like it's strangling me, but this loose, almost boyish style that the two girls wore throughout the film works for me. Add in a school girl skirt, oxfords, and some peace sign jewelry to show that I, too, am anti-bomb, and I've got the style down. The best part is you don't even have to wear make up to steal their style.. unless you're trying to steal the heart of your best friend's dad. Then make sure you wear plenty liquid eye liner.


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