v'day special: hanging out alone!

I'm one of those people that gets excited for Valentine's Day. I have yet to ever have a Valentine (besides my dog, of course) but I still like to take part in some form of festivities. I think there is absolutely no reason to feel sad about being alone on Valentine's Day. I know that some people mope, especially if they just ended a relationship, but I see it as a time to embrace any kind of love that you have in your life. And who is the most important person in your world? YOU.

Typically, I have spent Valentine's Day in rather than braving the crowds of couples. But I don't see that as something bad; instead, I see that as a positive! I rarely get to spend time with myself -- which is funny to say, because I do spend a lot of time alone in my room, but usually that time is spent doing some kind of work. So my advice if you are staying in is to make sure that you put ALL OF YOUR WORK AWAY. If you want to read a book for fun, go for it, but don't read for school. Just don't do it.

Some ideas of what to do at home: marathon a show you have always wanted to watch on Netflix (for me, it's gotta be Buffy. Girl power is always a plus!), read through that stack of magazines you've accumulated over the summer, do your nails with the girliest, sparkliest polish you can find in your cabinet, wear those super comfy jeans that you don't wear out anymore because they have holes/they're too big, wear your most festive socks to keep those feet warm while you hang out in bed, spend quality time with your pet, start a secret blog!, avoid Facebook at all costs - instead surf Oh No! They Didn't to find out what your favorite celebs are up to, watch lots and lots of animated films (Frozen or Brave would be best!), listen to songs from middle school and have a dance party with yourself, go online shopping - just don't go too crazy!, eat lots and lots of ice cream because today's calories don't count. For a bonus, take part in some radical self love a la Gala Darling! I get the love letters in my email every morning and they give me that extra boost of confidence!

For me, this year is going to be a little bit different. Instead of staying in, I'm going to be going to the Kings of Leon concert! I have been trying to see Kings of Leon for many, many years. But back in the day, no one ever wanted to go with me and now, they are so big that nearly impossible to get tickets. So rather than wait for someone to agree to go to the concert with me on the "most romantic" day of the year, I bought myself a ticket and called it a gift to myself. While my family is not crazy about me going to a concert alone, I think that being 24 and attending a concert alone is far from scandalous, but what's wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone for a date night with yourself?

So why not take yourself on a hot date? Find a concert near you and buy yourself a ticket where you can dance all night long! Here are some other ideas: go to a movie (see the lego movie in 3D or Frozen sing along to avoid romantic dates!), go to your nearest pub (the one where you know the bouncer and they have your favorite beer on tap) and scout for next year's Valentine -- or just pig out on some buffalo wings!, do a staycation at a nearby hotel where you hang out at the hotel bar then order dessert at 2am, visit some places around your town that you haven't before like a museum or art gallery, go around and take photos of your town during the golden hour -- even better, bring along the tripod and take pictures of yourself because you are damn fabulous! Whatever you do, dress up to the nines. Wear that dress that you have been saving for a special occasion. What better an occasion than a date with yourself!


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